In my day, it was the custom that friends gave each other bad financial advice in person (shout out to you and that $2K in crypto I’ll never see again, bestie!). So, when I heard about finfluencers, the crop of financial influencers churning out 45-second TikTok videos about how to grow wealth, I was alarmed. Was social media going to be a new way to spread misinformation to young people about money? As a mom of a teen son, I am concerned.
Full disclosure: I’m no financial wizard. Not only have I never had much interest in personal finance, but I’ve also made some big errors. In college, for example, I ruined my credit rating when I signed a gym membership contract..and then never paid it. I lived paycheck to paycheck, paid off student loans so slowly I could have earned a second degree and never budgeted or did long-range financial planning. Thank heavens for automatic 401K contributions, solid life partners and lifesaving no-interest loans from frugal family members, or I’d be writing this from a lean-to using purloined Starbucks Wi-Fi. I mention all this so that you understand, I’m not a certified public accountant who is pooh-poohing social media money advisors…I just don’t want my son to make the same sort of thoughtless mistakes around money that I did.

A study of 2,000 Gen Zers reports “social media contributes to feelings of inadequacy not just about our bodies, families or love lives, but also about our money.”