There’s nothing that compares to the love you feel for your new child and the love they show you in return. As such, it only makes sense to choose a name that reflects that special bond and the beautiful energy that they’re bound to bring into the world. Here, a list of baby names that mean love from cultures all around the world. Read on and you’re sure to find a name that’s just right for your newborn, whether you’re looking for a rare moniker that’s sure to stand out, a gender-neutral pick or a timeless classic.
75 Baby Names That Mean Love
From Kama to Kevin

Baby Names for Girls That Mean Love

1. Amy
This short and sweet name is a classic feminine name of Latin and French origin that means “beloved” or “well-loved.”
2. Esme
“Esteemed” and “loved” are the meanings of this soft and melodic name of French and Hebrew origin.
3. Cara
Cara is a name of both Irish and Italian origin with meanings of “friend” and “loved, darling one,” respectively.
4. Vida
In Portuguese and Spanish this energetic name means “life,” but in Hebrew it means “dearly loved.”
5. Philomena
Also spelled Filomena, this name of Greek origin has dual meanings of “friend of strength” and “loved one.”
6. Mina
Pronounced MEE-nah, this adorable name has Old German roots and a straightforward meaning of “love.”
7. Priya
Here, a unique and oh-so pretty moniker of Hindu origin that means “beloved” and “cherished.”
8. Cerys
Cerys is a feminine name of Welsh origin with mythological ties and a meaning of “to love.”
9. Amanda
A favorite in the 80s, this familiar moniker has Latin origins and a meaning of “she who must be loved.”

10. Kama
If you’re looking for sultry baby names that mean love, this Hindu option meaning “desire” and “longing” fits the bill.
11. Darlene
This name of English origin has a meaning of “darling” and Southern charm to spare.
12. Yaretzi
Yaretzi is a unique name that comes from ancient Aztec civilization and boasts a sweet meaning of “you will always be loved.” (And also, “you will always be the only Yaretzi in your class.”)
13. Mabel
Like Darlene, Mabel has English origins, Southern charm and vintage vibes; it means “lovable.”
14. Nayeli
Another unusual name from Native American culture, this pretty moniker has a meaning that perfectly fits the theme: “I love you.”
15. Kalila
Kalila has multiple origins but in Arabic it means “beloved.” And in any language, it’s really fun to say.
16. Cordelia
A name of Celtic and Latin origin with bookish vibes and a tender meaning of “heart.”
17. Amara
In Spanish this name means “love,” but in Italian it means “bitter.” Let’s hope she never gets her heart broken.
18. Philippa
Philippa is a peppy option that’s exceedingly fun to say. It has Greek origins, roots in the Greek word for love, and a meaning of “lover of horses.”
19. Mia
Mia is one of the most adorable feminine names that mean love. It has multiple origins, including in both Slavic and ancient Egyptian culture where it means “darling” and “beloved,” respectively.

20. Jamilah
This name of Arabic origin has a fierce sound and a soft meaning of “beautiful and lovely.”
21. Masha
Not to be confused with Marsha, this one is a Russian diminutive of the names Mary and Maria; it means “beloved,” “wished for child” and “star of the sea.”
22. Karena
Karena is a girl’s name of Scandinavian origin with meanings of “beloved” and “pure.”
23. Suki
This sweet and spunky Japanese moniker has a direct translation of “to like” and “to love.”
24. Priti
A pretty name of Hindu Origin that sounds just like the adjective and has pleasant meanings of “love,” “joy” and “kindness.”
25. Halia
In Hawaiian, this melodic name for girls means “remembrance of a loved one.”
26. Shifra
Shifra (pronounced SHEE-frah) is an adorable feminine name of Hebrew origin that means “lovely,” “beautiful” and “harmony.”
27. Astrid
Here, a sturdy and powerful name that’s very popular in Scandinavian countries. It means “beloved by the Gods.”
28. Ajei
This soft-sounding name of Native American origin means “heart” in the Navajo language.
29. Diletta
Diletta is a playful feminine moniker of Italian origin that means “beloved” and “sweetheart.” (Aw.)

30. Inanna
Inanna is the goddess of love, war, justice and fertility in ancient Sumerian religion. Let’s just say this one checks all the boxes.
31. Mai
A short and sweet one-syllable moniker that’s popular throughout Asia and, in Japanese, has meanings of “love,” “affection” and “dance.”
32. Carita
Latin, Italian, Irish, Scandinavian…there are lots of origins here, but every one of them associates this pretty name with love and friendship.
33. Freya
The name Freya means “noble lady,” but in Norse mythology it belonged to the goddess of love and fertility.
34. Neha
A popular choice in India, this name of Hindi and Sanskrit origin has a meaning of “love and affection.”
Baby Names for Boys That Mean Love
35. Amias
Pronounced ah-MY-us, this badass name has Latin roots and a meaning of “beloved.”
36. Oscar
Among the many names that mean love, this one has endured. It’s Gaelic in origin and has multiple meanings, which include “friend,” “loving” and “champion warrior.” File under ‘love and war.’
37. David
David is a timeless classic of Hebrew origin that means “beloved” and “uncle.”
38. Leif
Here, a viking name of Old Norse origin with meanings of “descendent,” “heir” and “beloved.” It also famously belonged to the great Norse explorer Leif Erikson, so it’s a fine fit for a boy with an adventurous spirit.
39. Eros
When it comes to names that mean love, you’d be hard pressed to find a more lovey-dovey moniker than this one—a masculine name that belonged to the God of love in Greek mythology.

40. Dewey
Dewey is a Welsh variation of the Hebrew name David. It has a shared meaning of “beloved” and decidedly vintage vibes.
41. Erasmus
This badass name of ancient Greek origin dates back to the 4th century and boasts pleasant meanings of “beloved” and “desired.”
42. Daviel
Daviel is another unique variant of the Hebrew name David with the same meaning of “beloved.”
43. Darrell
This masculine name of English origin is a classic that deserves a comeback. It means “darling” and “beloved.”
44. Lev
Lev is both a Russian version of the name Leo with a meaning of “lion” and a masculine name of Hebrew origin that means “heart.”
45. Philo
“Lover” and “friend” are the meanings of this soft and gentle name of ancient Greek origin.
46. Rudo
If you’re a fan of -o ending, try Rudo on for size. It’s a name of African origin that comes from the Bantu language of Zimbabwe and boasts a simple meaning of “love.”
47. Obi
A fitting choice for a future Star Wars fan, Obi has Nigerian and Hebrew origins and a meaning of “heart.”
48. Aziz
This name of Arabic origin has multiple meanings, including “strong,” “powerful,” “respected” and “beloved.” All good things, no?
49. Connor
Connor is a name of Irish origin with casual-cool vibes and a meaning of “lover of hounds.”

50. Davin
Davin is an Anglicized version of an Irish surname that means “loved by God,” “divine” and “beloved.”
51. Gaara
Here, a Japanese name of Shinto origin that means both “demigod who I love” and “demigod who loves himself.”
52. Dilan
In Turkish, this soft and melodic meaning has a beautiful and straightforward meaning of “love.”
53. Jed
A shortened form of the Hebrew name Jedidiah with the same religious meaning of “beloved by Yahweh.”
54. Sedric
Or Cedric, if you prefer. This one has Old English roots and sweet meanings of “kindly” and “loved.”
55. Leonard
This timeless name has Old High German and Irish origins and meanings of “lion” and “lover,” respectively.
56. Philip
Like the feminine Philippa, this boy’s name has Greek origins, ties to the root word for “love” and meaning of “lover of horses.”
57. Kevin
“Beloved birth” and “handsome” are the tender and flattering meanings of this classic name of Irish origin.
58. Hubert
Hubert is an Old German name that means “bright heart.” If you’re looking for an old-fashioned name for a spirited and loving boy, this one might be it.
59. Caleb
This name of Hebrew origin has biblical ties and a beautiful meaning of “whole heart.”

60. Habib
Habib is a fun moniker with Arabic and Sephardic roots and a tender meaning of “beloved one.”
Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Mean Love
61. Amor
This gender-neutral name of Latin origin has a meaning of “love” and “affection.”
62. Lennon
Lennon is a unisex name of Irish origin with meanings of “lover” and “sweetheart,” plus obvious ties to a certain Beatle.
63. Paris
This gender-neutral name has celebrity status (Paris Hilton, anyone?) and a meaning of “wrestler.” But I think most people really just think of it as a city-inspired name that evokes love and romance.
64. Mirren
Mirren is a unisex name of Scottish and Irish Gaelic origin that means “drop of the sea” and “beloved.”
65. Aiko
Pronounced EYE-ko, this gender-neutral Japanese name has meanings that are well-suited to a newborn bundle of joy: “love” and “fortune.”
66. Tegan
Tegan is an energetic name of Welsh origin with fitting meanings of “loved one,” “favorite” and “darling.”
67. Cali
This upbeat, gender-neutral moniker has multiple origins and just as many meanings. I suggest you steer clear of the Albanian meaning and stick to the Latin one: “beautiful and lovely.”
68. Daryl
A gender-neutral take on Darrell with French and English origins, and a meaning of “darling” and “beloved.”
69. Dai
Dai is a gender-neutral moniker that boasts a wonderful meaning of “beloved, great and shining.” Choose this one only if you can get past the pronunciation. (Hint: it’s ‘die.’)

70. Mo(e)
“To love” is one of the many meanings of this name, which has multiple origins and a too-cool-for-school sound that works for either gender.
71. Marion
Marion is a gender-neutral name that’s closely related to Mary and Marie; it has the same meaning of “beloved,” “bitterness” and “drop of the sea.”
72. Noa
In Hebrew, this unisex name means “motion” or “movement.” In Japanese, it means “from love” or “my love.”
73. Harpreet
This name meaning “God’s love” has roots in the Punjabi culture of India. It leans masculine but can go both ways.
74. Ren
“Love,” “lotus,” “honest,” and “clever” are among the many meanings of this one-syllable Japanese moniker, which is traditionally feminine but I think has a gender neutral vibe.
75. Kamon
Kamon is a unisex name with Thai origins and a strong, loving meaning of “from the heart.”
Frequently Asked Questions
What Name Means Forever Love?
Amara is a girl’s name that has multiple meanings and one of them is “lovely forever.” That said, any of the names on our list that have a meaning of “beloved” will fit the bill if this is the meaning you’re aiming for.
What Name Means One and Only?
The name Vienna is a feminine moniker of Italian origin that means “chosen one” and also “from wine country.” I’m guessing that both meanings will resonate.
What Name Means Pure Heart?
Both Diletta, an Italian name for girls and Kaipo, a Pacific Islander name for boys that isn’t on the above list, boast a meaning of “sweetheart,” which is a pretty close match if you’re looking for a name that represents pure, unadulterated love.